USCG Auxiliary Logo FLOTILLA 5-4
Division 082-05
Hamilton, Ohio


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Ohio DNR

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Last Update: 7/14/2009

Flotilla 5-4 offers four courses each Spring and each Fall:

About Boating Safely:  An 8 hour, one day fundamental course.  Provides the minimum for Ohio Watercraft Operators Permit and often, an insurance discoount.  An excellent course for young boaters age 12 and up.  For more detail, go to:

Boating Skills & Seamanship:  A 10 week multi-session course (one night a week, 2.5 hours per night).  Much more detail than the course above.  An excellent course for more experienced boaters or those wanting the next level of detail.  For more detail go to:

Weekend Navigator:  A basic course in coastal navigation - both chart based and electronic.  Also 10 2.5hr sessions.  For more detail go to:

Sailing Skills & Seamanship:  Similar to Boating Skills & Seamanship above except with focus on sail rather than power.  For more detail go to:

BS&S Cover  About Boating Safely


For our Fall class schedule, click here

Sailing Skills & Seamanship (Begins Tuesday, Sept. 8)

Weekend Navigator (Begins Wednesday, Sept. 9)

Boating Skills & Seamanship (Begins Thursday, Sept. 10) 

Each 10 Week Course meets weekly from 6:30-9:00pm  

Also offering 

About Boating Safely (one day seminar on Sat. Sept. 12 and Nov. 7)

Meets Ohio Operator's Permit and Insurance Discount Requirements



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